Saturday, December 26, 2009

What was crystal tea a white powder drug of the 70's & 80's?

tea (crystal tea) was sold in small qty's it was white powder usually folded up in magazine paper. It wasn't crystal meth we hear about now because that was called crank. So what was tea?What was crystal tea a white powder drug of the 70's %26amp; 80's?
People were generally told that ';T'; was THC, the active ingredient in pot. In truth, 99.99% of the time, what was sold as T was really PCP, a very strong drug. Actually, it is horse tranquilizer. It would really do a number on you and could mess you up.What was crystal tea a white powder drug of the 70's %26amp; 80's?
Crank is a cheap form of meth that is snorted and differs slightly from straight meth.


  1. I became paralyzed because of this drug my husband drove her car into the ditch while high on Crystal Tea I ended up flying out of the back window snapping my back at the age of 21 I'm 54 now and have lived the past 33 years as a paraplegic

    1. I'm so sorry to hear this.I'm glad I never had the money on me to buy it.I guess they called it tea because pcp was and is crazy.

    2. It was the poor boys coke back in late 70s - early 80s

    3. Sorry about your crash.Those booze and drugs are terrible. I did too much tea. I'm grateful to be sober for 17 yrs.

  2. I forgot to mention he
    was high on Crystal Tea at the time

  3. Tried it once in the 70's but I'd never do it again. I don't even know what happened while I was on it. Also broke up with the guy that I was living with that gave it to me. Worse experience ever!!!

  4. Tried it in High School on the school bus. It came in foil. The high was like acid or mescaline? Don't remember much.


  5. Use to do crystal tea in junior high school days 72/75 era used to get a dime of it for $10 it came in a baggie triangle I snorted too much and tripped my ass off and thought I was flying between planets in outer space. It was some good shit. I still can remember that /I don't know how but I do

  6. Sorry about your accident in the 1st comment.I was heavy into drugs during the 70's and did crystal tea alot.we would smoke it plain in a glass pipe, lace it with weed in a pipe or joint and smoke it or snort it. Most of the time we would end doing all 3 choices thru out the night.
    We were buying what we considered grams for 35.00
    so it was reasonable to buy for us.It seemed to be more like a mellowing drug for us us unlike acid. I am glad that I survived the 70's !! I am now 60 !!
    Peace To all

    1. I agree... I thought that it was crystal THC and it dad a calming effect

    2. I'm 61 and the 70s we're a blast and we or bless by God to be here today.have a bless day

  7. There was also another form called tab tea, very small pill, does anyone know what that may have been. I did this in 1975(8th grade) 1976(ninth grade) don't remember much about the experience, but was definitely a more mellow effect

    1. We did those also when we were kids. First pill i ever tried. I thinki. Was 13 yrs old. Mellow buzz numbed you out messed with you physically. We did them as often as we could find them. 2 bucks a hit. Crazy. That was west side of cleveland back in the 70s

    2. It was call strawberry tab tea and it man you feel like superman

  8. Was on Eastside of Cleveland Collingwood did some t ended up at farmers market west25th st.dont know why I got on bus got cousin over on w74 st.
